Dave Smith: Tennis Warm Up
0:00:04.2 Dave Smith: Hey everyone, welcome to our podcast I'm here with Jack Broudy and with myself Dave Smith. We are so glad that you are tuning in to us because we're gonna try to share a lot of our experiences, and in this particular podcast, we're gonna be talking about the things that we do that we know are successful, and we're gonna be starting out just like we do with any lesson, how do we warm up correctly, effectively and efficiently, so Jack Broudy, he is the master of so many extremely effective ways to reach a player's potential, so Jack, jump in here and let's talk a little bit about your warm-up, I'll be talking about mine from a team perspective. As you can see behind me, I've got 55 girls on my team. We're gonna talk a little bit about all the ways that we both do the warm-up, so... Jump in here.
0:00:58.5 Jack Broudy: Yeah, well, nice to see it as always, Dave, I really enjoy our talk, whether we're doing these podcasts or where there were just BS-ing with one another, so I'm switching the effects behind me, this is one I've used a lot, and I know you use it as well, is kind of brought Dave and I together was the fact that I thought I was a lone cowboy out there doing some of the weird things happened, people pointed me for decades, and day's been doing some of those same weird things, and then we realized... We do them a lot of times for the same reasons, a lot of times we have different view points of why we do what we do, the one going on behind me is probably the big one that I really... That I think Dave and I really saw eye to eye on, which is this two hand and warm up on both sides, I'll move over, so you can see it there, but you see I'm hitting with a partner, and what we do is we switch hands, so the back-end is always on top, so when you're hitting a writing for and the right hands on top, and it's a two-handed tennis backhand for the Rites, the left hand is on top.
0:02:07.1 Jack Broudy: And I think this is one of the best tennis drills you can possibly do for... I'll give you my reasons, and then we'll have to give you some of his number one short court's great, but it can be a waste of time too, if you just plunk in the tennis ball back and forth by putting two hands on the racket on the grip. What it does is it forces you to make contact in your wheel house, right, you can't be too earlier, you'll go dropping in the bottom of the net, and if you're late, you get handcuffed and you really can't perform a nice stroke. So, you know, I like to talk about that 45-degree angle. This kind of forces you... The kid I'm hitting with now is kind of a beginner over there, but look how we can have a nice long rally with the beginner, and it ties his hips and his arms together and locks him in on his 45, it makes him move with somewhat ambidextrous 10 amount people that play tennis think it's a one-sided sport, but it's not... It's really a two-sided sport, so you really... This drill is one of my absolute favorite tennis drills, and I think it's a quintessential, I think it's absolutely essential to do this drill for just three or four minutes before you go back to the baseline, locking your hitting point and connect your hips to your arms, that's in a nutshell.
0:03:24.9 Jack Broudy: That's really it.
0:03:26.9 Dave Smith: I love it, as you can see my daughter behind me when she was eight years old as the beginner, she hit with two hands on both sides, Monica Seles, Virgin lunga member, talking the right hand on the bottom, there's the three different 24bs, which version were using the thing I love about this, Jack, and I'm a huge proponent of it, and a good friend of my wall Odin out of Minnesota, talked about right brain, left brain, and how much the left grade controls the right side of our body and the right side of our break to a left... Well, the thing about that is, if you're only using one hand, you're integrating, let's say if you're right hand and you're integrating the left side of your brain more predominantly leaving out the right side of your rate now when you go with both and you're integrating that cross-over between both houses of the brain and the player who might be left free to dominant, but you're only using your right or your left, are you're not using the left side of your brain is effectively... So one of the things that all talked about at a conference that we both spoke at was how critically valuable two-handed strokes are, he was talking about the two in the back end, and he came up to me after I was sharing Alex or about the 2004 him, and he says, Man, I told my blue, 'cause I was only talking about back Anon and the tennis forehand has the same application, but I like it too because a player to take the two-handed stroke, and what you said was very true, Jay.
0:04:58.9 Dave Smith: You can't just reach and hit up a tennis forehand or say a back-end and did it over, you have to move your feet, move the tennis ball into your wheelhouse, as you said, or the strike zone as equality, because two hand makes a player moved to get into that position far better than a when-hander who can get away with what I call bad for really and still make contact to the tennis ball
0:05:25.1 Jack Broudy: Or... Sure, you can face the net with one hand on the patient, this one
0:05:29.5 Dave Smith: In a very Leah. Absolutely, you just see my daughter open stands for in her body is in your 45 degree...
0:05:37.0 Jack Broudy: I'm looking at it, I'm looking at it. She's by locked into the 45 right there.
0:05:41.7 Dave Smith: So this is something that is a great warm-up to, I'll take it one step back to him, we actually start all of our warm ups, I love going from A to a two-hand mid-court drug because one of the things that we see a lot of pro-students, they teach ground drugs first. Well, that's a full swinging stroke in most cases, you can break it down, but it's still a low to high, usually the top to four-hand Coxsackie, but now when you take that same child and even adult up to the net, what do they know... They know to say... And now all of a sudden, it's hard to go backwards, but it's very easy to start with them, and from a training purposes, one of the things I did, when you're studying with my daughter, when they showed the progression, and we actually start with the Valley of the bay. And so we cost a bean bag and they catch it on their street, so rather than something getting to make the tennis ball go over, which changes the perspective of the player going, I'm trying to hit a tennis ball in there, they're not focused on the stroke or the contact, but catching a bean bag teaches them to receive a alike
0:06:55.9 Jack Broudy: That... No, I've never done that one. I've done the cross trial, have you ever done that to the catching grows for the same reason, I think.
0:07:04.8 Dave Smith: And that's the next drill that we actually do a lot of catching or the cross highlight, whatever you'll a call it, but the cool thing about the bean bag drill, first and foremost, if you can teach a little kid scoring tiebreakers tennis forehand back in voles because the receiving of catching the bean bag on your strings emphasizes an open bracket versus a closed race given with the tennis ball rather than a hit a tennis ball. And it really opens the door, and my daughter, who is not the greatest athlete in the world, easily gained a confidence of pinball in the sweet spot because he knew to track of all to the sweet spot through that process, the mini cart or mini tennis movement with two heads, I think it's a great transition from a Towson block or costing Tex troll with a bean bag in the transition from the toss and Castile for us, and I'll let you jump in here too, and I'll throw one picture up here and it is what we call the Cassian block through, and if I can find my image of my cost to block thrill, see real quick, a toss a block to...
0:08:22.5 Dave Smith: So now we move to a cost of block drill from the casita, so this is a great way to... I can do 100 tennis players on one court teaching back in ballyhale, Molly and even really brownstone in a Cossack, I can have 100 tennis players with 50 rackets, 50 balls that only need... And you can have them hit thousands of balls in this scenario, it's not perfect, I mean it's not around...
0:08:51.8 Jack Broudy: I get it, I get it. You can really get to a lot of people quickly and have them understand contact, right.
0:08:59.4 Dave Smith: So that's sort of... And you can do it anywhere. We do it in a school gym, we'll do it in a hallway, I think I've got a video here. Our tennis players transitioning taken, and if you look at this, let's see if I can find our kids sitting... Valve is here. We do not a... Got it. And go, well, this is my boys doing, this is another drill where you hit two balls, you two balls, I keep one tennis ball going. So again, this was a rainy day practice, so you're hitting two shots between four people, you hit two in a row, then you keep that on, so...
0:09:39.3 Jack Broudy: Yeah. That keeps it moving. It keeps it fun.
0:09:42.1 Dave Smith: Right, you can see in the background to see I've got 30 tennis players all doing the same drill as most of these are on JV tennis players, so they're still learning to use better technique, you can see them lockout tennis ball.
0:09:53.2 Jack Broudy: Yeah, I love it, I love it. And nobody gets bored because you're only out for two hits, you gotta be ready to go right back in.
0:10:00.1 Dave Smith: Nothing bothers me more Jack, and this probably bothers you, but seeing a line of tennis players getting one valley maybe to go into the back of the... I don't care if you throw latter's out there or have them go around the code or when they get on a Brody board and swim, that's fine, but here you've got many tennis drills that literally can create a lot of the right kind of hitting, if you will, and let me see if I've got this other one
0:10:30.7 Jack Broudy: Well. I love it, I love it. To be honest, I was mostly a private coach I ever did in high school, never did college, I would never put more than four on a court, I was really... Even when I was in my early 20s, I was just like, That's BS. We never have more than 40 on the court ever, and I'm a big live tennis ball guy, I really believe that it's better not to be fed balls, and if you are gonna be fed balls, it should be by your partner, so you exchange... So I really like these tennis drills and I've never had to deal with it because with my guys, it was a couple of hours private lesson next, next next. So it was a little easier. I always wondered how you guys did this, but I'm getting a pretty good picture now.
0:11:16.4 Dave Smith: Well, obviously, trials is the most efficient means of communicating to an individual, but when you're working with a team or a large group or a Amor clinic or whatever... And I've had as many kids do not Jack, I had 74 tennis players come to my drop-in clinic, and I had two cards, and I had more people leave that clinic, in fact, these are some of the pictures from that way for people for a two-hour clinic, and I had more people coming to me and say, I learned more today in this click that I thought I would never learn because I thought, Wow, I'm only gonna hit four walls because of the way I know how we run a large group, that they said they learned more than they learn in a group of three, four, five, six of the core, and so there's obviously ways to maximize efficiency, but I try... When I speak in conferences, we try very hard to show affection, we try to show that there are ways to create learning, even if your force or in the high school situation or a school situation, where you've got a large group of tennis players to literally train them all
0:12:40.4 Jack Broudy: Effectively, as tennis guys, we have to shuck and jive all the time, I mean, rainy day is this and that, I mean, I was lucky in... Sochi had 66 in group, which happened for several years, I had 11 courts all of a sudden, you know, alright, we're gonna play, but we're gonna play tag team, double singles, whatever. It was a big luxury, but there has been many times when I've had eight or 10 kids on a court, and I had to think quick, think on your feet, and that's when you come up with some of these great ideas of that...
0:13:17.7 Dave Smith: Right, so let's continue on this warm-up because you've covered this extremely valuable way, if you have not used to has a both sides try it. I started doing it out of necessity, I guess I say necessity is the mother of invention. And I had a group of high to girls of Arizona when I was coaching 30 years ago there, who couldn't hit a top on for him, they kept slicing the volume, I started them, that would come up and they'd come down again, so I taught them with two hands to start with the action, the ground and use their left hand if they're right-handed to pull the racked up, and I noticed immediately how fast they created a, what I call an advanced foundation for him, me, a stroke that we associate with high performance tennis players and so I started teaching, this was before Monica Seles was even a known item, and no one was teaching out 2040the, Johan is like the 20 back and 40 years ago when nobody had a 20-0 backup, Harold Tolman or a couple of no name people.
0:14:32.9 Jack Broudy: Right in that some bacteremia. Didn't he play to hands on both sides to
0:14:38.9 Dave Smith: A Red Owl finger up them up to Shafter. Yeah, very bizarre grip, but not two hands that I can remember that. Heron Solomon was one of the first to... I can remember, of course, I'm dating myself 'cause I wouldn't... Titi was probably a teenager when Harold was on tour, but then of course, momentum Connors and be on board or two handers, and when you're more able on the French Chien, 18 years of age, I even have a book that closed... One of the reporters said, Well, that's great, you just want the friendlier, you're gonna get a back end, like the menu and benoni just won the French Open. I hit with two hands... I don't think I have to go to a one-on packers.
0:15:22.6 Jack Broudy: I never heard that comment. That's funny, that's funny.
0:15:25.7 Dave Smith: So then Connors came in, and of course Christian and Tracy as, and then there were there or four now that PROS were like, Wow, it's not the woman stroke, everyone said, Well, Gideon was taught by his grandmother to play with two hands. Well, didn't it worked well for him, he... Look at the stroke today, I associate it with the poverty of the high jump methodology, nobody went over backwards on a high, Julia's very did it in 67, 68, something like that. And it changed high jumping.
0:16:03.5 Jack Broudy: Well, back to our point, which is the two hands on both sides are such a great woman because of the things that forces you to do, it forces you to use your body and forces you to line up, it forces you to take the tennis ball at the contact point that's the most optimal, and that's that and lighting up, it forces you to look at the tennis ball with that nice peered view as opposed to facing the net like that. Right, so another one that we do, and we'll keep talking grounds, and then we'll go through the one that we... Like you call Minima, I call bump up and across, I really started finding the this drill help my own game personally, 'cause I never really had that sweet contact, what I really felt effortless on the contact. And for me, it was always about, you wanna learn something. Slow it down. It softer, not harder. So often, kids try to get harder, but if you wanna feel something and learn something, so this here really turned into one of my favorites, and then I call it the super short court, and what you do is you just get a couple of feet away, of course it just ends there when I wanna show it, but you just get a couple of feet away from the net and he's forced and you just...
0:17:22.9 Jack Broudy: You have to really just bump the tennis ball and feel with your body kind of moving a little like you're almost playing ping pong, you know how the tennis players move like this when they're playing, and this drill here, I really see how if you get you to really feel and you try to get to talk with the day and you're gonna see that context, I'm showing him that convex feeling, or in a minute here, what happens if you let the head of their acrid there at the head... Ivory can't control the tennis ball. So to me, this is one of the best controls RAs, is to get six feet apart, and you could probably do it without a net, I bet, and you could probably... I'm guessing you use it with all your people since we have so much in common... I'm waiting to hear you say I do this too. Anyway, what do you think about that one for a...
0:18:13.9 Dave Smith: Well, because if you look at this picture, I guess what these kids are doing, they're doing that exact drill though, it's not the best picture because this girl is kind of the frame and grip here, but we decide the cotton legit. So early, and we do a lot of tennis drills. So for example, will even before we do a lot of these tennis drills, we do our balances and down balances, so our down...
0:18:41.7 Jack Broudy: I love that. And
0:18:43.2 Dave Smith: You notice we kneel down, and the reason we kneel down is we want the racket to be fairly parallel with her forearm, if you stand up and do your down made the player will drift over to an Eastern tennis forehand. Crimean Griots what we're trying to avoid. And we can raise the level of this... And by the way, when I worked with some of my world class tennis players in his ad, the number one player in the country, I'm a high school team and I'm gonna play from Korea in high school. So even with them, we would do these... And this is a great drill because you're doing with every level player, we do 150 to 250 down bounces, Connor, we like the ground and put a dot on the ground, so now they're doing down bases and trying to hit that dot when they're down... So now you do have these little... So you feel in your racemes you're consciously trying to make it hit that little dot and it's a great way, and then we actually go another stuff, we have them close their eyes and trying to feel the racket doing the down balances because now they're translating the field because they're not using their site, so these kids will eventually...
0:19:55.8 Dave Smith: Will have them close their eyes, eventually they get to the point they can do 50 and a road about looking at the tennis ball, because now they're feeling the angle, they know how the tennis ball's gonna come up based on the angle a racket down, down, down. Basis what they got on the ground. I've always done to make... Inventing this, and somebody's gonna kill my idea, but I was wanting to put make-up for with a little a little sensor dog, and every time they hit that dating or be verbal or line up account, how many times a disco have... Yeah, many interurban can you do in a minute and a backlot, that's another simple, simple drill to emphasize conidia tool to help them master to understand where their racket head is relative to their hand to work on a mine that got on the ground and we just tell like their finger put a tennis ball on the ground and dries up pretty quick, but they see it
0:21:01.8 Jack Broudy: A... I get it, or
0:21:03.3 Dave Smith: They stand on a line and use the light of their part and then to close their on, so yeah.
0:21:08.9 Jack Broudy: Simple drill, take into extreme more prolific methods to evolve what I like, what I like about what you're doing. And I'm the same with the Continental grip. I really think too many people ignore it and they can really stagnate your growth because tennis serve vallis tennis overheadpick-ups, some... You get caught sometimes, you think the tennis ball's coming to your tennis forehand, off the tennis serve comes to your back, and you're gonna be able to use any crime fact is once you can master the Continental Group, you know I do one, I didn't know the conversation was gonna go in this direction, but I do one with the content group where you were you to go like this, you do, you call it the figure a drill, and you bump the tennis ball up and then you bump it up again and bump it up again, and that's a really good one for the Connell, Jim. I do some really difficult ones, you saw on Facebook, I posted them, but... Yeah, they're a little more difficult, but certainly that figure... Trial is something that everyone can do, I think.
0:22:11.2 Dave Smith: Well, is in the picture behind me, you're seeing kind of what they're doing, the up bones, now we're doing up houses little come Dogra in the elbow straight, focusing on the back hand falling technique that we want them to do... We don't want that elbow bet on a back, hemolytic ally, they're gonna hit from the elbow joint rather than the whole arm.
0:22:31.7 Jack Broudy: You on a nice... You wanna name Wiegand.
0:22:35.5 Dave Smith: So if you watch all the top pros, you don't see a bent elbow to... They're not hitting from there, they hit from the four army, so now this is a simple drill that a be taken to what you just talked about, they can brush back and forth, they can catch it, we touch the tennis ball on the strength of it up, or we do the up basis for 150 in a row, you wanna talk about strengthening the forearm, getting comfortable with the straight arm and getting so that their bodies relaxed, but their arm has this kind of leverage that you're trying to... Now, and you can take that to another level and we have them hit and a Iain against
0:23:14.1 Jack Broudy: And you're also helping them discover the sweet spot.
0:23:17.2 Dave Smith: Right, and we actually have them hit 10 on the tip of the rocket, 10 in the center and tender the damper and ten back, when they're doing their up, so again, intentionally making the rack and interact with the tennis ball, even though we don't... We're not doing a hit off center, but the intent is to control the rack to make it do what we wanted to do.
0:23:38.8 Jack Broudy: That's interesting. Yeah, no, I haven't done that one, but I didn't come up with a few. Like I said, that cradle you saw on Facebook and then... But yeah, those are for more advanced tennis players and they emphasize other things, but I do love this idea, like I said, Grading that Continental grip, 'cause I just not enough... Not enough tennis players could Bally, not enough tennis players get a ascent second Sarah.
0:24:03.9 Dave Smith: Well, you'll see every one of our tennis players with this form, they get a back hand will, and you'll see that leverage of the arm, I love reaching way out in front of them, which is a big no-no, because I know Coach I say all the time, you hit the tennis ball out in front of you well, be careful what you're instructing them because the top player is going into the all way out in front of them because there's nothing left to hit the tennis ball, if you're a watercourse
0:24:26.6 Jack Broudy: And look at her back arm holding her line up, so
0:24:30.5 Dave Smith: She came, the integrity of the sideways position, and every one of our tennis players, even when they're not in great position, here's four high higher for in value, there's another girl hitting her back in Valla little rush. Yes, she's reaching a little bit, but you can see she's sort of struggling and that tennis ball's dipping on or you could see, but you see the orientation of she was hitting the tennis ball correctly, even though she's forced hit them all a little sooner than she would like it. But that, this is one thing. Here's a good one of a girl had a really... That's a really good... So all of our tennis players are trained to do this, and it's no wonder I've never had... I've had a state champion every single year in doubles every year, regardless. Every single year I have the number on kinda partly because we have a lot of good values produced
0:25:22.3 Jack Broudy: For and because you're reinforcing this content group, which I don't think enough. So many pros will let the kid... And I understand some of it just gravitate to what's comfortable for the kid, well, that's not... What lessons are about? Sometimes you have to get out of your comfort zone, and if you have a Western grip and you're running around your back, and the chances are you're not gonna have much of a double scan...
0:25:49.2 Dave Smith: Think about this, Jack, and correct me if I'm wrong, 'cause I'm not. The Conners used for what stroke to tennis serve the overhead... All Tesla hit life.
0:26:03.6 Jack Broudy: Sometimes two-handed back in... Well.
0:26:06.2 Dave Smith: To INAC in, if you look at the picture here, we were in my rates.
0:26:10.3 Jack Broudy: Guys, she's got... And
0:26:11.2 Dave Smith: That's why I'm not an every talk with the... Except of the Jim Courier, we had an Easter back and two-handed back and re-up on his Boba, the top tennis players have a cut mill grip on their domain.
0:26:22.9 Jack Broudy: Nobody talked about Jim couriers. Great back in, not that guy would run into the alley to avoid a back-end, and we all knew it, we don't do it without that... Inside out for him, he's like Roddick without servo.
0:26:37.4 Dave Smith: Absolutely, right. So anyway, I emphasize it because really, among top level player is there's only one group change, I mean, there's abolishment of everything, but there's an O-grip shape to talk, the tennis forehand is either a strongly Eastern tennis forehand sent my Western for Western gives you have all acceptable among platters to look at, gay had probably more important at Easter tennis forehand, Jonathon, some in Western. But among top back handers, the two-handed back end, the camilleri is the dominant hand, and then you left hand, ironically, we always say in the back end is a left hand in form for a writing, such little item should be an Easter for handsome Rose
0:27:23.7 Jack Broudy: Show is a great... And that picture behind you, she says a great... Not to mention it. That are back foot kicking back. Oh yeah, he is a very nice stroke. A very nice trick, I can tell. No, you wanna keep going and talk about warming up, our bodies has gone a little bit more about warm-up if you want... The only thing we didn't talk about was, and I'm sure you do this too, I have my tennis players play left-handed, short cordial, give them the choice too, after like a year or two, we were... 'cause every lesson is the same, short court, I go, Your choice, do you wanna go two hands today, you wanna go left him today? Opposite hand, so I give them... So I like to give them a little bit of a choice out there, so I'm big on the opposite hand playing in the warm-up to... Do you do that as well?
0:28:12.0 Dave Smith: Yes, in fact, I forgot to mention our down bouncers that we showed you earlier, we actually do that left hand and choking up with an eastern fringe because Taba end, it's basically using that left hand in that orientation, so we actually do our Downey wanna watch kids and even adults who look in orthostatic doing down bounces with their left hand, but after they started doing it, their left hand starts to become more relaxed and they start understanding the feel and that translates to understanding the two in a back end of what the left hand rule is if you will... So yes, the two-half, they're using that left hand, if you're teaching two and a stroke, when you're getting it to a four-hand, most tennis players are gonna that you on a backend, but even just the orientation of getting that left side of your body engaged is important.
0:29:04.0 Jack Broudy: I agree pus, getting out of your comfort zone. It makes you intellectuals a little more right. We're gonna tell you when I play left a short court, I prefer my form with my left hand, short Cort better than my right, because it has no preconceived ingrained habits, idiosyncrasies. My left hand, I just... Probably because of the broad on the board, I use all the time. Now you get into this, I started throwing writing and I go, Well, you know, I can throw left and I started serving left, but for me it's more about intellectual zing the stroke and going, Okay, I'll do everything right, and I'll do everything right on this side and I swear, after all these years, I prefer in the short court, my left hand, it stroke to my right and its stroke. Interesting, which is really interesting. Yeah, well, that's all I wanted to make sure we brought up was the opposite hand.
0:29:57.1 Dave Smith: If you pros out there and coaches are not really focusing on the diversification, I'll call it... Even in a warm-up, we do zoom as a warm-up, which has nothing to do with eating, but has everything to do with that. We do it to music. These are just a few of my girls here in this... A half of my team, and you can see them working on different work.
0:30:23.0 Jack Broudy: I was wondering what the heck that
0:30:25.4 Dave Smith: Zoom, which is a neurobiological anything else, but back in the 80s or 90s or something, I remember it was big then it still big now. All the gym classes that were... Your fitness facilities are using some sort of music with movement, stretching, Yoga even. We actually do a lot of that, but anything else on your end as far as your warm-up goes that you...
0:30:53.3 Jack Broudy: Well, let me ask, I just had a podcast earlier today with one of my certified pros, really, really fantastic guy, he coaches a couple of really top tennis players in the nation, and we both agreed on another thing that we like the kids to learn... No, I wouldn't call it warm up, but just on an aside, we teach him and how to juggle... I thought I was the only one who did that. My friend hobby air, he says, Oh no, I teach all my kids to juggle with three balls, I go... Me too, I said, it's good for him. I dexterity for the right left brain coordination and just it's challenging and it's thoughtful, kind of like a good tennis player should be somewhat thought from you... Do you do juggling as well?
0:31:33.9 Dave Smith: I'll take it another step.
0:31:35.4 Jack Broudy: Alright, I knew you would...
0:31:36.7 Dave Smith: We do teach Jolie, I do teach a three-tennis ball on, we teach behind the back shots and we teach tweeter.
0:31:44.7 Jack Broudy: The... Actually, those are in my school.
0:31:48.3 Dave Smith: On my website, I teach both of those as well as again, you've heard me talk about different things that are different, or make you aware of your race behind the back shot or a tweeter. We don't spend a lot of time, but we do teach those, the juggling tweeted, because again, kids get a kick out of it. Pectin knew I could do that. Right. And then their orientation or a inter... Again, if you can't make tennis teaching fun, you shouldn't be teaching tales, if you can't teach a bank foundations fund really should be teaching to... If you're teaching them, Ferri gotta show you this picture 'cause I took it from somewhere.
0:32:35.5 Jack Broudy: What about the AR? What about the saver? I teach the saver. You teach the safer...
0:32:39.2 Dave Smith: I know team the saver, describe that part.
0:32:42.2 Jack Broudy: I wish I had the video pulled up... It's in my school actually. Basically, it just teaches you that... I still do it with big servers, not as well, maybe as I used to, but I still do pretty well. It teaches you a keto line up to 45 and to keep your arm in this wing and this wing as opposed to straightening it or bending in, and if you just stay at the 45 and walk and you just hold your arm in that nice round, win. The saber is simple, it's really simple. And everyone loves doing it once in a while, yeah, like you say, you go... And I even the one-footed strokes, like the two-handed back end, I teach him to pick up the back foot because like you say, it's fun and he's really enjoying, but more than that, most of these things that the pros do, like picking up the back foot they reinforce good habits. It might be showing off for them, but they feel something, they feel the wave, they feel things that beginners don't feel, and so it actually... That one-footed back end really reinforces a lot of good habits, almost like as a managed stroke.
0:33:55.9 Dave Smith: Well, the one foot of tennis drills a number of years ago, in fact, if you read my book, I talk a lot about serving left-footed, tennis serve right stead that tennis forehand and I found out, my assistant got out into a Houston, but he used to live here, and he weren't taught with me for about a year. Great guy, taught Helena a convention. He also Talbot the pneumatic Sands and retire, a great guy, but he pours layup on an ATV accident, so he was on punches, his right leg was just... It took a skin of the whole... LA's whole leg. So he was demonstrating to my group, we were doing a three mall across from... Just a standard drill. Yeah, and he was hacking on his left leg, and I just kidney, told all my kids do same hop on your left leg, hit, hold your fibroid, hold your finished copper finish and bike share observation every kid hit more balance in a cleaner tennis ball in most cases, and learn to adjust to the tennis ball quicker because they didn't have the luxury of two feet... Right, and so we started having them tennis serve on their left foot at the right hand on...
0:35:15.2 Dave Smith: And we found... And I don't know if you've done this, but we found we actually got the radar gun out and we found the tennis players were hitting harder serves more efficiently because they have to tennis serve balance when they're serving on their left food, they didn't have the luxury of leading on the right side or following back on their right side, so if you haven't done this, we do this as a drill where everyone has to tennis serve, point serves who they're on their left foot on their do side and their outside or... Right.
0:35:49.4 Jack Broudy: I've never done that.
0:35:50.9 Dave Smith: Ironically, every kid discovers, they tennis serve better initially because they have to be balanced, so they're serving from a balanced platform, if you will, and they start discovery the... Because of the limitations of one footed, they actually... They're not polluting their truck, so all I can say is try it, it's a ATTR try one foot and one shot followers and even overhead, have them try that.
0:36:27.7 Jack Broudy: I definitely do it on both the ground and can I like that you wanna move on and talk about how we warm up vallis, 'cause I know that's your expertise. I have my own it. I've got four or five Miller's talk about yours. Let's go ahead and jump on is behind me, this has been my favorite one for a long time, for pretty much this exact same reason is two hands on both sides, which is it forces you to take the tennis ball at the proper contact point. I mean, if you take the tennis ball early, the tennis ball is gonna go into the neck, but if you're right at the 45, you can bump the tennis ball straight up very easily, you see that up and we're getting fancy now, but you see it bumps up very nicely and you can control this forever, and if you're early, the tennis ball goes either in the net or it goes in front of you, and if you're late, it goes behind you, and I'll show you in a minute here, doing it with a little 12-year-old girl, she ended up being a good player. She played for Cornell, I think, but this is when she was younger, and you'll see she did it wrong a couple of times, and I kept it in there so people could see exactly what it is, but...
0:37:42.7 Jack Broudy: This is one of my favorite jokes. You call it nine me.
0:37:45.7 Dave Smith: Well, and I call him into me only because greater introduced it many years ago to me, and at a conference actually, I think he presented it, and he called it Mini Me, and it's just where you bump it up to yourself and then bump it over and you keep it going, and I like it because it give things outside the box a little bit ghatak about your present.
0:38:07.3 Jack Broudy: Let's look at... And I decided 'cause I used to show people only the right way, it's good to show people the wrong way, because if you do it to one people, more people are gonna do it the wrong way, she might... We'll try to help them. See, she did it perfect there, the 45-a bounces straight up, but on this next one, if she'll move a little quicker, there we go. I guess I must be saying something the wrong way here now you... This is just from one of my videos in the school, that's the reason we're waiting, but see, that's a little late, so I... Into much... She's not locating the 45, so now she's handcuffed, and it's very difficult to control, she's off balance because she's behind the 45, and if she takes to really see notes way in front of the 45 is gonna go straight ahead, and that's why I like this drill because it's just like I see that, I just like the two-hander, both sides, it forces you to find the optimal... I like to call the optimal contact point, and then if you do this in the war about God forbid, and hopefully you hit more in the optimal contact point when you play...
0:39:23.8 Dave Smith: Absolutely, it's a great drill. We do it, especially my large groups when I... Like yesterday, I had super sadhus tennis players, and it's a great drill, can do this thrill with 60 on each side of the court, so you have 12 tennis players on one court...
0:39:39.7 Jack Broudy: I've done it with a... I've done it with Ed, but I guess you could do it with more if they could
0:39:43.5 Dave Smith: Come... And here's an interesting thing, some people I've had coaches actually ask me, Why do you put so many on the cart, why did you spread them out? Well, remember one half the time I've got so many kids have no choice. No, do I like it because when you squeeze the corridor, your tennis players don't have the luxury of just swinging, there have to be transients of their target lines, much more that if they have the whole half of a cord or
0:40:10.9 Jack Broudy: What... I remember when we were kids, how our coach would make us hit down the alley.
0:40:15.5 Dave Smith: Don't be a... Use the alley as your target. Absolutely, so it has that principal so that I call him a neat... You call it up up.
0:40:23.2 Jack Broudy: Up and across a...
0:40:25.1 Dave Smith: Because it's more descriptive. For sure, I bump up and across its self-explanatory...
0:40:30.7 Jack Broudy: Yeah, kind of. Kind of, yeah. But that's probably my favorite volatile. We do some difficult ones, we do the clicker drill, I don't know if you've ever seen that one... Not sure, Lauren, we get into more high level, and one of our podcasts, I will make sure I have that loaded, but basically I Valle my partner bathes fandorin, and we get closer to a top to the tennis ball and you squash the tennis ball between that we all Capital's a great drill. So that's another value drill, but I wouldn't necessarily call that my warm-up drill, this truly a pump-up... This is a way to Mondrian, then sometimes we'll do the cost, the cross drill just to sort of relate to the tennis ball, it's a nice way to relate to the tennis ball
0:41:17.2 Dave Smith: Where you catch it and then hand it over... Is that Eyes? Yes, yes, but I go, ironically, Jack and I've never really... We've got a long time ago, lo, but it's so funny, how do we recognize things that equate to tennis players becoming highly skill, and so there's some other drill that there out there, maybe you've done these as well, what is called a drop and don't let it bounce. And this is where you get very close to the... That you able to ratio, you're hitting the tennis ball vertically up and down over that Rathore this...
0:41:53.3 Jack Broudy: I like that drill. I've never done that.
0:41:55.2 Dave Smith: Yeah, so they don't get a bothy, get their needs way down and get the rack parallel to the dad, they cannot... You cannot swing the racket, I don't know if you can see me, you can't put the rack at the net because you'll never get it up and over close to that.
0:42:10.4 Jack Broudy: You housing, you really need your cotton in a grid.
0:42:13.0 Dave Smith: And so you can see this girl heating was back in Billerica, kinda low to the net, and she can Angleton drop poles, you can... Valiants could swipe it deep, he can do anything from this position, and that is a great drill... Again, I can have 12 of a courting, let it drop and do let it bounce drill. Is that aspect of oratorio notation? Touch, making a vertical stroke rather than always a horizontal stroke, which obviously we use that a lot of us, but we need to train the angle, the fact ironically, the first volume still we teach all beginners is a sharp angle boots because we want the tennis players to learn to get out of the one-dimensional habits, straight ahead mentality right from the get, dose actually trained the angle BAE, when you see this young lady pitting here, starting to hit that sharp angle, low volume, because a player at the net, it has a low Halliwell, one of their options, they can drop tennis ball it, they can ballade, are they in in an elevator, and more importantly, they start to disco, they don't have to hit every tennis ball hard for a tennis ball to be had effective
0:43:26.6 Jack Broudy: Was certainly greeter training for double
0:43:29.4 Dave Smith: Special Yan then especially done. Do a lot of... A future podcast, I'll talk about my super secret doubles tennis drills that I use, why my doubles tennis players are so good at coaching, so good at anticipating that we do a series of tennis drills, I'll show some in a bit, but what... Last drill is a bad man drove that. I grew up playing with the top of Adenauer in the country. My PE teacher in high school was our Olympic Batman coach. Vic puts our first Olympic badenoch. My dad actually was National badminton champion back when he was in the Navy, so I grew up in with bad man, and we do a drill Baden called Drop Drop clear clear, where the two tennis players had a drop shot drops, then a little mini lab as a clear than the hit a clear and then he had to drop shot off that drop, and there is so much movement, you trying to hit a big law, it's just dynamically changing from a drop shot to a little lab to a drop shot, and so it's... Drop-drop clear clicks are like You're a bump up and over a clear clear is exactly what it is.
0:44:40.1 Dave Smith: You drop shot, they drop shot, you hit a little clear
0:44:43.3 Jack Broudy: Again, it's a nice pattern.
0:44:47.2 Dave Smith: It is a great pattern, you can do it again with... We don't know what 12 Motorola do that with 80 on the court and four, you can do it with five and five, 10 tennis players, but because the labs get a little bit wild or in terms of controlling to... You get it.
0:45:03.0 Jack Broudy: Yeah, I can say that, right.
0:45:04.6 Dave Smith: But it's not a high, deep low, it's just a bump over their head, but not... So they have to run way back and get it, so it's just a lot to the service life, but you see a lot of movements of drug drug, clear, clear, meine, which you come up, bump up and over that I draw to go, little, these are all my warm-up Bally tennis drills. Because again, you talk about I've never... I've taught 3500 tennis players. Guess how many tennis Olmos I've had zero.
0:45:34.0 Jack Broudy: I hear you. Not one, I hear you such it's so important too, because I'm the same... My tennis players, they're twisted ankle, but they won't... They won't hurt their arm or their helloween, if you want to alert you absorb the shock with your entire body rather than one spot, so you should absorb the contact with your entire body pretty equally if you're doing it right.
0:46:00.8 Dave Smith: And those progresses, like I talked about earlier, about the baby Cosette versus hitting.
0:46:06.5 Jack Broudy: I love that.
0:46:08.0 Dave Smith: Learning that technique because I demonstrate holding a rank with two fingers, and I'll have my opponent or my partner or my assistant coach who ever working with me, drill ground stroke at in 60-70 miles an hour, and I followed that with two fingers to show that number one, and I'll voluntarily or two fingers to demonstrate, I don't have a lot of street in these two fingers, right? And the rack, it doesn't work, I don't know if you've seen this.
0:46:40.6 Jack Broudy: So I like that I do that on almost everything I do, it would tennis serve or... Exactly back hands for and show tennis players look, let the raced some of the work. And of course, if you hold them with two fingers, sometimes the racket groups more naturally than it does when you... Man, handle it.
0:46:58.3 Dave Smith: Right, right. And there was a study, I don't know if you see the study, that they undercut and they shot the tennis ball at 50 miles or at the center point of the racket and measured how far it rebounded, and then they Bolero stationary pole in the same 50-mile major and they found that the reflective angle of both of bolted racket in the racking hanging by street was identical, no kids Albany to say out because people think, Oh wow, the one on the stream is not gonna read down 'cause the rackets going to go... But you gotta remember a tennis ball re-balance off the stream bed before the race, rebounds.
0:47:37.8 Jack Broudy: That's right. Or No, I've never... That's a very interesting...
0:47:42.3 Dave Smith: And so when you saw that serving with one finger or just volume it just to reflect on reflecting the tennis ball... I use an analogy that I love, and I've used it more recently, and that is a main directed as a mirror and the incoming balls, a beam of light, would you swing in a beam of light to reflect it somewhere, or would you put the mere behind the BioLife and angle the racket or in the mirror, to make them all go there and everybody knows, Oh, I put the MER behind the beam of light. I wouldn't swing. I think of your Valle that...
0:48:18.0 Jack Broudy: Yeah, I love the
0:48:19.2 Dave Smith: How good your volcano yet. Yeah.
0:48:21.2 Jack Broudy: So of course we Swindon day, you and I date, we'll get a technique and we finally made bumped a little bit... I sure hope so. This is just too general. Too easy. We don't wanna bore people, we have to have... It doesn't have to be a villain somewhere we
0:48:36.1 Dave Smith: Reinvent the wheel though even we both have found works.
0:48:41.0 Jack Broudy: Yeah, the only other drill I can think of while we're talking, 'cause you're coming up with all the good ones here, is I do one more, once again, I wouldn't do this with a bunch of tennis players, I do this with my private lessons, we do quick Willis of course, everyone does QuickBase, add one more thing. We add the LOB volley and then the overhead, you get right at the guy, not as hard as you can, but three quarters, you know the best three-quarters page do that, and I have videos of this as well, but I didn't prepare or we all... You quick volume after about maybe 10 values, one of us will just bump the nice angle lab, the other guy cents, you get practice in your quickness, you got practice in your field right now, A and changing the angle of the face, and you get practice with your overheads. So that's one more we do, but I don't think we could do that with it on a court... That would get dangerous.
0:49:36.0 Dave Smith: Yeah, no, there are certain tennis drills that obviously have different parameters of safety, and coaches need to make sure they still focus on things that are not going to create a liability or a potential, people get hit in the face with the eye or something like that. That's right, I agree. Rebuttals
0:49:59.0 Jack Broudy: The only other woman then and then I didn't really think much about it 'cause when I pick a win upper, I think mostly ground is, but the Serbs could almost have their own whole lecture on how to warm up your served in general. I don't know what you prescribe, but basically for my students, start really easy, hit Deep, I always tell them to hit deep because it's easier to bring the tennis ball back into the service line than it is to hit in the neck. Now you have two problem, you gotta get over the net and in the box, it's better to go three feet deep, this is my opinion, plus it loosens you up if you hit easy, but deep, you sort of stretch your arm out a little more and you're trying to go deep and you're not trying to over-hit, you're trying to hit deep, and then like I said, I think it's easier to go, Okay, now I'll bring it in a little bit in a little bit, as opposed to slugging it and going in the neck, so other than that, I mean, there's lots of service tennis drills, but I mean, as far as warmup, that's my biggest thing with the kit with my tennis players is don't try to crack the first tennis ball, just go soft and deep and a little bit of spin, or even flat, but just feel, loosen up your rotator cuff, you find your balance, it always bounce the tennis ball, find your balance point between the front and the back, and then tennis serve easy, and then working with...
0:51:20.8 Jack Broudy: I always do, you shouldn't be serving big until at least your third time at that time... 00-21, you shouldn't be serving big, you don't tennis serve big. To lease the middle of the first set, at least a...
0:51:34.9 Dave Smith: Well, impedes one thing that's probably a little differently, we uppercase span from the very good or beginners all learn a slicer first because we all know the second tennis serve defines a player's ability. If you don't have a sensor.
0:51:54.2 Jack Broudy: Tell me you're only as good as your second set.
0:51:57.2 Dave Smith: So I can look at a player, look at the back and Balinese on service, what level will achieve and what level to stay
0:52:05.8 Jack Broudy: Still. I'm on the same page there.
0:52:07.3 Dave Smith: I know you are.
0:52:08.4 Jack Broudy: I think serving flat is for Dummies. I tell them, I... It's just ironic because there's no... Is a flat serious when samithi big flatter. It wasn't flat and rotated so much...
0:52:24.7 Dave Smith: Well, on Delia, great study, when he was with me at tennis in dot com, and we discovered... He did a video series of filming the top of starred Todd Martin Rosetta, number of Crowe found that the average Ballroom on the first servant, 130 plus miles an hour, well, San present the highest tennis ball rotation of 2800 20800 rpms on his first tennis serve. I don't eat at about 1500... Well, who had a higher... For sure, celebrate.
0:53:06.5 Jack Broudy: I think every tennis serve has to have spend, there is... Say, I agree with you, there is no such thing as a flat tennis serve, if you wanna be a player, Ephesian, the size, even if you hit at serving 120, it's coming straight and you... Actually, make the other guy look good.
0:53:22.5 Dave Smith: You look at the tennis players. Love it. Good tennis players love it. Okay, we keep Piper slice or hybrid served, and then the only difference is if we wanna speed as we cast them all more forward and get them to lead in, you're 45 again, lean in and still rustica se, they're now leading into rackets coming forward. To add the SPED, so they're gonna get velocity with their safe fit, so really, there's no difference between a first tennis serve the second sir, other than how far they lean in as far as our tennis players go. You will not see our second tennis serve at any different react... We tell our tennis players, You better hit your seconds, they're just as fast, God is black, because we're not leaving me in... Right. So I always quiz my tennis players with this question, What makes the tennis ball drop faster, more spin or listen more spirit, what makes more spend a slow race or fast at that... So then when are you dining your second, sir, if you want a tennis ball that has a location and drowns in to the court.
0:54:26.7 Jack Broudy: Of course you actually... My doubles partner in college, Billy would always tell me that my second short was way more dangerous than my first, because I didn't wanna double-fault, so I would hold the big almost a back hand grip an and I would sing it as high and as hard as I could... And it had so much crap on it that it really was a... Hey said, he said, just tennis serve two second series Jack. He says, Your first tennis serve is no big deal as... That conserves dangerous. He's right, and the only thing I will say about the tennis serve, and we're leaving our topic a little bit, is that I think the slicer is under-utilized by so many kids hat, a big parser and then the big kicks, second tennis serve, which all you gonna do if you're a good tennis players climb on top of it, but I think the SLICE tennis serve is really one of the most dangerous serves, there is not only fully some wide but the opposite when you tennis serve into their body on a back end and it's sliced. Well, now they're gonna hit the throw to their act a lot, and it's much tougher to get away from that slice when it hit at the body, so I really feel...
0:55:33.2 Jack Broudy: Going into a new subject, I really feel a slice tennis serve really should be utilized so much and it's easier in your arm too...
0:55:41.3 Dave Smith: Oh, totally, and it feels like a nice to butter... I mean, the idea of... And this still fits our narrative of women because we teach a billing slide here, this is one of my JV girls hitting more of a tick kind of service motion, you're seeing, but you're seeing our body position, you're seeing the racket going from left to right across the inside Edrich ing back and getting a big kick, and you'll see where this tennis serve does, it's a pretty big kick tennis serve, and this is just a JV player, he OnStar? Yeah, well, my JV will be most every team gain our state. I'm in nutini, California anymore. So these are kids that are developing, she actually... This one winsome was JV. Her June every senior was Someone double bay on the State, so she had a foundation that from the very get-go of a very good series emotion, so we aside spin both as a warm-up and as our main serving that we emphasize the speed of that by throwing, leaning in over our left shoulder of... Or right if I'm right Hansen, see the orientation of the racket coming up the cross at tennis ball and really accelerating across...
0:56:59.9 Dave Smith: Unfortunately, the video speed it up, but there's a slow motion, the Rack going across that tennis ball I see, we call the dirty diaper where the racket gets ahead of the hand, most girls and a lot of men and boys to try to swing with their arm coming forward, linear rather than keeping the arm up and gantry diaper position, what we call the dirty backroom, meaning the racemes pay me in front of us like we're holding a dirty did away from our nose...
0:57:28.4 Jack Broudy: Right, right, right, right.
0:57:29.8 Dave Smith: I see. So we train that very articulate-ly, we actually used the phrase dirty diaper to get them to realize the rackets gotta get ahead of the arm if I'm gonna accelerate the racket on the last Chan of the connecting change, so you can see the heart slow down. Allowing the racket to get ahead of the Arte arm, pull through, then the racecar only go up to speed the arm, and you can see how fast that race gets ahead of me are.
0:57:59.2 Jack Broudy: And though she is connected nicely to record, I still believe that if you use your wrist correctly, it can be very useful on a lot of shots.
0:58:08.3 Dave Smith: Server's not a flexion, that's an internal rotation of the forearm, of course, and that is the part... It's not a... We don't wait by light is right, we actually the rest of the arm come across in this orientation, we don't sway water drip to buy by beginner. That's the one-on-one. Beginner, and even who teaches to tennis serve that way should be shot, I'm sorry.
0:58:38.8 Jack Broudy: No, no, that's not gonna... Serotonin, no, there's a lot of poor teaching out there, I mean Everyone's trying their best, but that's what we're doing, what we're doing, right?
0:58:53.1 Dave Smith: Right, exactly, right. We're trying to educate people that if you teach mediocrity, just what you're gonna get... You're going to get a mediocre if you teach advanced technique... Yes, the equivalent that you and I have talked about in the past, do we teach a piano player to play with their two index fingers is so... I can play Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, so to fix it, 'cause I ever gonna play the piano effectively, or even in jolly now, 20 years later, I'm still gonna be doing this. Unless I'm trained to do this. And so tennis is like that we can train people to bump them all over the... Now we can train people to push the tennis ball deep.
0:59:36.0 Jack Broudy: You're training them to be a beginner forever, I call it.
0:59:39.5 Dave Smith: You're training them to get good at being back...
0:59:42.4 Jack Broudy: Yeah, that's... Well, put in, Hey, how do we combine our names here, 'cause I think I really believe in the core fundamentals, but I do like advanced Foundation, I like the idea of a foundation number one, but in advance, I guess it's just the core fundamentals of the advanced Foundation.
1:00:03.8 Dave Smith: We'll call the Jan, Jack and David, but
1:00:08.5 Jack Broudy: You're assault. You're so man. Well.
1:00:10.9 Dave Smith: Yeah, absolutely. Well, we'll talk more. Yesudas will talk a little bit about effectively training tennis players to take... Going from the warm up and dance foundation of the war, I remember every... Jack and I have talked about today is talking about ways that increase a player's potential, but using technique that will effectively advance that player to hire and higher skill play without changing notice, without changing the technique. A lot of tennis players are a lot of coaches that I'll hear them say, Well, we'll teach them this now that later, we're gonna change them. I hear that a lot too. It's silly, I hear have 117 books on tennis and was without a doubt, almost all of them say the begin, I can do this, but the advanced player does it, and I'm like.
1:01:03.0 Jack Broudy: I don't know another sport that train of person... I've made comments before on Facebook, all loan, you don't mention the hips... Well, I do mention the hips with better tennis players, I'm like, Well, you don't need to... With better tennis players, the need to re-happy bills anyway.
1:01:17.4 Dave Smith: You'll see a lot of videos, these are a lot of... All my beginners here, we're hitting their ground strokes, he or kids that have been planned for less than three or four months, and so what we're talking about here is, and we can find a lot of things wrong with these tennis players, 'cause they're just now starting to develop these patterns that take a while to master all the key elements, but you're seeing tennis players hitting with a lot of your technique.
1:01:48.2 Jack Broudy: Humanity, I'm thinking to myself, You know what, this little tennis ball drop to drill they're doing here, I can see the player getting connected each tennis ball...
1:02:00.3 Dave Smith: Well, this is our warm, this is our warm-up after we've done poly, so this is just a standard, they had 20 balls, then rotate, and they're hitting 24, has 20 back hands and rotating, and you can see what's great about these tennis drills here, we don't have to stop the drill for everybody, if I wanna talk to one player, right, and so I can keep everybody working, these are all JV tennis players, by the way, every one of these girls you see are just junior barrister, 20, 22, 24, 28 in my JV team, a lot of freshman here. And so what you're seeing is just they're starting to get the feel of brushing up to rotate, keeping the back toe down, keeping the 45, as you've talked about holding their finish and we can talk to... And I see what I see, everyone looks like they're all... As they drop more and more balls, everyone's connected from their hits to their arms, which is really good, so I think it fits your narrative very well does, which would have 28 boards or the body board, because you can kind of see them using the pivot move and then keeping the foot back, and you can see it dragging their back to, which is what we teach, we don't let that back legs winging around, losing the integrity of their hip.
1:03:18.1 Jack Broudy: It's only about 3000 bucks. Come on, man, you
1:03:21.8 Dave Smith: Have to read some more money, that's my next to move, but I definitely want it because of A
1:03:28.9 Jack Broudy: E... I don't make a job, you know.
1:03:34.0 Dave Smith: My wife's a doctor and she's the breadwinner, so maybe I'll just ask her for a loan...
1:03:38.1 Jack Broudy: Oh yeah, that's great, yes.
1:03:42.1 Dave Smith: Close us one down from Tenafly, listening to what Jack and I have been discussing and sharing with you, and I hope you'll take it out on the court and use it, try try it many times and watch the effectiveness of your students improvement.
1:03:59.9 Jack Broudy: Oh yeah, I absolutely. I second that you absolutely... Even if you just do a couple of those tennis drills, you'll see a big difference immediately and Alice love here for it, if you...
1:04:12.6 Dave Smith: Did we fill this on Easter. So if you're watching live, happy Easter, if you're watching this, it's a wonderful day to play tennis any day, whether you're inside or out, enjoy these videos that we're Cotabato there, hope you're dating someone or be able to see you soon. Talk to you late.
1:04:28.8 Jack Broudy: We'll do it again. So