Sidney Shindle: Certified Nutritionist
0:00:00.8 Jack Broudy: Hi, I'm Jack Brody and welcome to live in at the 45. Today, my guest, I'm so excited. I said, Not a tennis jock, it's great when someone different is Dr. Sydney Shin-Shin-do, I don't know if it's a doctor. If it's just Sydney shinde.
0:00:15.8 Sidney Shindle: As Sidney shinde, sometimes I get emails addressed his doctor, but I am not a doctor just to certify nutritionist.
0:00:21.6 Jack Broudy: That sounds great. Well, welcome to living at the 45. I'm really happy to have you today, and we've got a lot of tennis coaches and players and tennis nuts out there that I think would be very interested to hear about how nutrition could affect not only their tennis but their life as well, so... Thanks, comedian. You do. Well, let's start with... I have so many questions, I barely know where to start... Let's start with just general athleticism, you know, people that sweat a lot, people that use their limbs, their elbows, their needs, their shoulders a lot, and I've always thought, you know, the most important thing is hydration. That's all I've really ever thought. So let's start with that. And let me ask you, are there any tricks... Are there any things people might not know about hydration, is it something we should do before we get on the court or just as we get thirsty? What are your thoughts on that? And first of all, I know you're an athlete, right. You're a swimmer.
0:01:33.5 Sidney Shindle: Yes, I'm an artistic from... Are formally known as synchronized swimming. Right. And so the artistic aspects of the sport, even though we are in the water, we still sweat quite a bit in the same principles apply of being hydrated even who were surrounded by water.
0:01:48.7 Jack Broudy: Yeah, that is funny to me. But you literally sweat in the water, definitely
0:01:54.0 Sidney Shindle: It's just four swimmers in general of... Of any kind of water-based sport, it's harder for us to notice that we're spitting as much as it gets washed away gross when you think about it because your pool is full of sweat, but we don't notice as athletes because we're sweating so much, whether it's just literally being washed away, so it's harder for swimmers in particular to remember to remind themselves to re-hydrate.
0:02:16.3 Jack Broudy: I was just thinking that you... Is kind of gross. Everyone, you got about 12 swimmers in there, but you got the chlorine, I guess... Or the salt water, I guess now, some of the holes have sold water
0:02:26.6 Sidney Shindle: Just a little bit more potassium and sodium mit's fine.
0:02:30.3 Jack Broudy: Right, I've always heard of those two potassium, sodium, magnesium, I think you
0:02:35.0 Sidney Shindle: Definitely... And so when it comes to hydration, the first thing that most people think of as water, I need to drink more water. And I've worked with athletes before, I work with athletes as well as the general public, and to be honest, most of the time, the people that I meet, just in general, don't drink enough water, and they'll say that they drink maybe one and a half liters of water two leaders of water a day, and they think that that's good, or sometimes even less, I have some people who will be drinking my one to three cups of water a day and think that's great. So in general hydration, first step yes, is to increase water intake and make sure that you're getting enough water, but the thing is that water doesn't go over, it needs to go on its own, and so that's where we hear that term, electrolytes and electrolytes, I usually come in fancy, bright blue beverages, but those actually have been proven to not be as hydrating as he once thought, it turns out they actually tend to dehydrate you because of just the extra additives and if he's been marketed really well, to be honest, but in general is...
0:03:40.4 Sidney Shindle: Yeah, I know, it actually just came out in a study this year, showing that those sports beverages... We won't name names 'cause I don't know if I can... Are actually less hydrating than me, one star and can actually potentially lead to dehydration in some cases, so we're learning now that different beverages have different abilities to actually re-hydrate you, and we say dehydrate, it's not just chugging water to make sure that you've checked off your water intake for the day. We mean cellular hydration, so the water molecules actually getting into a cell where they need to be because you do need them inside yourself, you need them inside your blood stream, you need water everywhere, and how that actually occurs is through a transaction, it's kind of like a no, I'm really visual and a nod between certain electrolytes saying, Okay, let's exchange and we exchange that water from outside of selling inside of sell and where those electrolytes come in handy because of the positive and negative charges that they hold, where her electrolytes-Koh water will kind of flow. So we need a mixture of those things, so to answer your first question, when it comes to when you should hydrate, it's literally all the time, and first thing in the morning is a good place to start because you quite literally are de-hide in yourselves overnight because you aren't drinking water, you shouldn't be at eight hours of sleep at least, and during that time, you're not re-hydrating, so you do need to make sure that that first thing you do in the morning is add in hydration, and that can be in the form of 500 mil leaders of water, 16 ounces to get started, and not just the water, it's a good place to start, but you also need the study in the potassium, the magnesium or calcium in there too, and the best way, in my personal opinion, is to do it through a mineral concentrate, not just the fancy tablets are not just in a bright blue sports drink, it should be a mixture of naturally occurring minerals, and so trace mineral drops are a really good way to do that.
0:05:41.6 Sidney Shindle: I use that water to a... I've heard
0:05:43.5 Jack Broudy: I use those tablets, so you're saying My wife getting me those tablets is a big waste... No.
0:05:48.6 Sidney Shindle: No, no.
0:05:49.8 Jack Broudy: To those in a thermos of water. And I bring that on the court with me. And I always thought, Okay, I'm doing a great job here. And
0:05:58.0 Sidney Shindle: It's better than nothing. But the thing is, with minerals is that minerals are going to be bound to something, so this is where supplementation can take a more kind of complicated term, and I have clients to come in who are taking a supplement thinking that it's doing the best job, but if it's not in the right form, then we might not be absorbing as much of it, or we might not be able to actually activate it and convert it into the form that we need, and minerals are really interesting because they're an inorganic substance and what that means in simple terms is that they literally don't change, they just become part of you, and then they will... Once they leave you, they leave in the exact same form, we do not manipulate them, we actually will might bind proteins around them, but they stay as they are. It's super cool. So when it comes to supplements, you can find rapier versions or cheaper versions of minerals that are really easy to make in a lab, but they're not easy for us to absorb and use, so when it comes to those tablets, I mean, they get me wrong, those busy ones are delicious and I love them this summer, but a lot of the minerals that are in there are in their oxide forms, and they're not in an active form that is easy for us to use and to actually actively work with, so oxide minerals are usually less absorbed and tend to just pass right through us in comparison to different forms, so the content trace drops are from naturally occurring ancient salt beds or kind of the sea beds, and they're in a naturally occurring form, so they're easier for us to use or the other bonuses that they're a lot cheaper than taking those tags, 'cause if you're using one of those every single day, it adds up quite quickly
0:07:37.9 Jack Broudy: To... It does, yeah. So what's the one you like... We don't have to give them an advertisement here or a plug, but I'm curious as to what you think it might be the best for me. I'm on the court this summer, I'll be on the court, I'm sure, six, seven hours a day. And you know what would be the best thing for me to start my day with and chug all day long.
0:08:00.6 Sidney Shindle: Honestly, that first drink in the morning is great with a mixture of just trace mineral drops, and if you look that up, it's just a constant trace mineral drops, and that one gives you not just the electrolytes, but it also gives you a little bit of a variety of trades manuals that we tend to not get in our diets on a daily basis anyway, just because of the way that farming works now, it is usually starting with 10 to 20 drops of that in the water is a good place to begin, and if you don't like the taste because it does taste aggressively flat in role water is the best way I can put it. If you're not used to that taste and start slow and go with five drops and continue onwards, but that was a squeeze of a leaner a line for the extra potassium, I find is quite helpful because most people, unless you're eating a super whole food space diet, tend to get enough salt in a day, but you're not getting enough catasys and you're not getting enough magnesium just because of the way that our food supply works now, so adding in the extra potassium from the limiter line can be a good way to get that in.
0:09:03.4 Sidney Shindle: And then we can chat about magnesium in supplement form later on as well, but in a nutshell, the hydration piece really begins in the morning, and then throughout the day, you do need to be drinking on a consistent basis instead of just chugging two liters of water at once, because there's only so much that can cross the gradient essentially outside of Salta inside a cell is one time, and you need to make sure that those electrolytes are in there.
0:09:28.4 Jack Broudy: So that was another question was sometimes I'll just Chug Water thinking, Okay, I need to drink water, and I'll just... Even if I'm not that thirsty, I'll just chug a class just like almost competitively, and you're saying that's not necessarily as good as just drinking grazing all day on water.
0:09:44.6 Sidney Shindle: I think it depends on how much you're chugging at once, 'cause I've had clients who will chug two three leaders in the course of an hour in an attempt to get their water in for the day, and that's definitely not going to be as efficient and is making sure that you're slowly dripping that water in throughout the day, but if you are preparing to... Let's say get on the court or go for a run or equal for a training session, then you do need to do a little bit of water chugging before you begin because you want to head into that workout or that the hydrated and so usually like an hour or two before hitting the court, you would want to hydrate with at least 500 mills of water and you can chug that quite quickly, just making sure that it's in that hour to two-hour mark, so it's not just sitting in your gut while you're... Well, you're training to
0:10:32.3 Jack Broudy: A... Washing around either, yeah.
0:10:34.7 Sidney Shindle: And then during the course of that work out, ideally, you should be re-hydrating with at least a cup of water every 15 to 20 minutes if you can, and if that seems like a lot of water than just start it slower. But to be honest, dehydration is a very common thing, and the symptoms and the feelings of dehydration, seeing darker urine or feeling that dry feeling in your mouth are assigned that you are definitely dehydrated, and some of the early your warning science can be even things like feeling hungry because your hunger, he was very similar to your first cue, and most people will obviously opt for food and set of water...
0:11:14.9 Jack Broudy: No, I've never heard of that. That is interesting, you touched on another thing when you said salt salt has always been curious for me when I was a kid, back when we... Before electricity, my dad would have me take these two salt tablets when I was in the boys 12 and under playing, he'd say, Yeah, you know, you wanna pop these salt tablets, and then like 10 years later, oh, that's the worst thing you can do. You shouldn't... You shouldn't be doing that. No salt at all. You cut it out of your diet. What is the deal with... 'cause I know when you sweat, I know what it tastes like, it tastes like salt now, so I'm assuming you're losing sales, tell me a little bit about the salt tables. Was that a bad thing?
0:12:04.6 Sidney Shindle: I think everything needs to be in moderation because when we think about the most recommendations these days, it's the extreme, it's like one or the other, and that's all... But you're right to say that when you sweat, you taste salt, because when your subconscious, when you start to sweat where water goes, electrolytes goes. So that's why you're sweat taste salty is because you are excretion potassium, magnesium can seem... All these things will come where the water goes, and as a result, you do need to replenish that, so assault tablet, depending on how much is in that, you might be getting a pretty heavy hit, but I find a lot of people are on the opposite trend, these days where they're so worried about adding salt to their food because they've been told that this is going to be bad for your heart, or this is going to cause hypertension, but for the average person in particular, for athletes, you do need to be ensuring that you are we're punishing your result stores, so for example, just to give you an idea of how much of these things that you need in the day, sodium, you do need in the form of salt, the sodium chloride is what Sol is.
0:13:14.0 Sidney Shindle: You need about 2300 milligrams of salt or three single day or sodium every single day, and so if you are a whole foods-based athlete, you're really conscious of the food that you're eating, you're not eating out, you're making all your own food at home, chances are you might actually be a little bit under that because most natural whole food doesn't have a lot of salt in it, so that could be something to consider, but the bigger one that I find is potassium and potassium, we need way more potassium than we do. Sodium, we actually need about 3500 milligrams to 700 milligrams daily of potassium, and that's found in... It's a lot, and to get that through a whole food... It is a lot of work. I'm not going to lie. It's founded things like spinach and JAMS and avocados and bananas and lemons and limes, and even pairs have potassium, and then you can find it in higher amounts in certain herbs as well, there's a couple of herbs that has potassium in it, but you have to actively work to do that. So I do find that when it comes to the mineral piece, in particular for whole food space athletes or Whole Foods-based people, we tend to not hit some of those marks and then that can lead to a little bit of an electrolyte balance, and in particular, that combined with calcium deficiencies, you end up with cramping, you end up with headaches, you end up with...
0:14:38.1 Sidney Shindle: Yeah, mostly muscle cramping is what I find, and that can be something that commonly comes up in hands and feet, but for different athletes that shows up in different areas, so really trying to find those through food and then also adding in the electrolytes on top or working with supplementation, as needed and as directed by someone who can guide you through that.
0:14:57.9 Jack Broudy: And when you say electrolytes, you mean those trace minerals...
0:15:01.7 Sidney Shindle: So the trace minerals, yes, are a good source of those electrolytes and you'll get them in a smaller amount, it won't be... You're not gonna drop 10 drops of those minerals into your water and get 230 milligrams of sodium or 4000 milligrams of potassium, it's just a very small amount to just ensure that you're checking at least some of those boxes throughout the day, and I do find that that added to water, you do feel more hydrated instead of just drinking the water on its own, and then obviously working to get that through food.
0:15:34.3 Jack Broudy: Yeah, well, you know, as tennis players, bananas are always a big thing, right, we always have a couple of those in the bag ready to go after a set or two. Bananas are a big deal. I know when I was in college, this is probably the worst thing I could do. A lot of people would eat things like Snickers bars just to get that jolt, that's probably not something you recommend, I'm guessing.
0:15:56.9 Sidney Shindle: I mean, in the moment, in the core, it's not been so count for much, everyone says they have protein in the others, there's Ballantine and opening... Oh yeah, and in the middle of a set like that, I mean, for
0:16:12.3 Jack Broudy: A table got a big bag of Costco, penis they any good... And they're not salted. Are they any good for me at all or just...
0:16:20.5 Sidney Shindle: Not the not of choice, no. Peanuts are definitely not my only list as far as recommendations for a variety of different reasons, but the Snickers bar, in theory, it makes sense because you have a little bit... Or you have quite a bit of sugar in there, which is what you need in the middle of a more endurance style event playing tennis, but there's other ways to do it if you wanted to do it more holistically and more naturally, but not as makes sense because you do get about 30 grams carbohydrates in there, and in that intrudes, having easy to access carbohydrates is very helpful, and then you also get, yes, a little bit of the minerals in there in comparison to a Snickers part where you're getting some sugar, but you don't get any mineral benefits or any other benefits from it, and in the end, that's probably gonna promote more inflammation, which we don't want as tennis players, and in particular, what you mentioned about hydration, it's important for also helping to reduce inflammation because that's a huge part of the sport is making sure that you're keeping your inflammation levels in the balance state, so there's enough there to at
0:17:31.7 Jack Broudy: The formation... What's to deal with that? I've never heard of that.
0:17:37.1 Sidney Shindle: Inflammation is like, it's having its heyday right now, it's the root cause of everything it causes... To quote Mark maracas, everything else, it's the root cause of everything, it causes all the other bad thing things, but inflammation is a natural part of being human, we have these built-in mechanisms to help us heal, so when we experience, say, let's say we experience a little bit of muscle stream, we will actually be able to activate signals to tell the rest of our body wherever that muscle strain has occurred, Hey, we need some help, can you come and bring in a little bit of inflammation and that helps to actually dilate blood vessels, it helps to bring an anti-inflammatory molecules there, it helps to bring in a different immune cells to mock up any damage or torn tissue and start a healing process, and that's a natural part of being human is having inflammatory signals to help clean up damage. And this is something that happens when you get a scrape or you twist an ankle, and that's a normal thing that occurs, but if we are not giving our body the nutrients that it needs to basically keep the inflammation in check, or if we're not getting enough water and to actually help flush out tissue, then we can end up in a state where we're more inflamed, and that can show up in different ways for different people, but in sport, it typically shows up...
0:19:07.3 Sidney Shindle: And this is in conjunction with other things, I just need to mention, a longer time to heal, so prolonged dams is another one for that, nobody exactly knows what causes dams by, inflammation is definitely part of that longer time to bounce back and to heal after an injury or to just get back to being a baseline for yourself, we can see more pain, more aches in particular the joints, and a tennis is really well, not well known for having those aches and pains, and inflammation is gonna be at the root cause of that.
0:19:41.9 Jack Broudy: That's right now, I have a client right now, he's just taking up tennis, and so it's new muscles he's working on, and you know, he's got that bump on his elbow and a little bursitis, and that's the inflammation of the birth... I know. And basically, hopefully I'm giving them the right advice. Lay off, number one, take some Ibuprofen. I... Do you wanna bring the inflammation down or is there something better than... I do
0:20:09.4 Sidney Shindle: Proviso. Happy that you mentioned that. So, of course, of course I... Yeah, and there's so many... When it comes to inflammation, back to that idea of stopping shocking play or stopping, training for that, that's kind of why inflammation causes that redness and that smelling in that heat, because it tells us that we shouldn't use that area, there's... Imagine caution tape or around a construction zone being like, Don't go here, we're trying to fix this and we're trying to repair it. So there's definitely that aspect to it of slowing down and taking the time that you need, but there's new research showing that you do actually want to not stop using it all together, you still want to have a little bit of range of motion going through that tissue because that's also going to help replenish nutrients to that area, because joints in particular, I mean movement to get nutrients to those places, so a little bit of movement is okay, but obviously if it's repetitive motion under that same stress, it's not going to heal. So that's something to take note of, and then there's kind of... Go
0:21:17.2 Jack Broudy: Ahead. Is that why I told me to self-massage, is that the kind of motion you're talking about just moving it with your other
0:21:25.8 Sidney Shindle: And even actually just moving it as followed is on on your own and just making sure that you're not completely stopping that movement unless... Obviously, there's extreme pain through it, but you do wanna make sure there's a little bit of movement going on just to make sure that the lymphatic drain lines happens and you have movement of your tissue to make sure that those... I imagine if you had a construction zone and the workers couldn't get there because there was a traffic jam or because the road was stopped, it's the same principle, you need to make sure that there's good movement going there in the first place. And so that would be something to consider. And then the other part is with heat versus ice, there's two cons to that of saying I use versus heat it. Most of the time now, they just have decided that whatever feels most comfortable to you is best, but if we think about that inflammation, it's a natural inherent thing that happens in the human body, so you don't want to completely let it dampen because that inflammatory process is part of the healing process, so we do need to encourage a little bit of inflammation to heal, but obviously not let it get out of hand because that's painful and depending on what type of mental nations going on, and they don't want there to be too much.
0:22:42.4 Sidney Shindle: So sometimes a little bit of ice, but you can also try a hot compress as well because that can also be quite helpful and healing depending on what the person enjoys, but that I will help to constrict blood vessels, whereas that heat pack will actually open up blood vessels and allow for those molecules to get there, and so I find those bean bags that you can put in a microwave or having you do on compress, those can also be really useful
0:23:11.6 Jack Broudy: Too. I noticed you stayed away from... I noticed you stayed away from the Ibuprofen... You just left that I got a tattoo.
0:23:22.3 Sidney Shindle: Oh no, no. That was more open to
0:23:23.9 Jack Broudy: It. I figure you guys don't like Ibuprofen, but we tennis players who kind of live off that stuff sometimes... You know what I mean?
0:23:31.1 Sidney Shindle: Yes, and my suggestion would be to introduce you to more natural anti-inflammatories because things like as ibuprofen, things like those over-the-counter pain killers, they will blunt pain and the certain... Some of them will actually act on the pathway in the human body that basically blocks your body's ability to make inflammatory molecules, and while that sounds really good in theory, there's downsides to that, because remember that inflammatory pathway is helpful, it's trying to heal that area. So if you're constantly blocking that pathway from creating those molecules, then you're not going to be healing, you're just wanting the pain and you're just reducing that inflammation in the interim, so the goal would be to find a way to reduce some of that inflammation and reduce some of that pain, but also support healing. So there are natural ways to do this, and I've worked with pickle ball as I've worked with CrossFit athletes, I've worked with people who are active and exercising and experiencing joint pain, they're experiencing inflammation from exercise, and you wanna try and encourage healing while also helping to produce inflammation, because if I exercise in general, does make a little bit more information, so there are things that you can work with like curcumin.
0:24:54.2 Sidney Shindle: So curcumin is the active form of Turok, and it would be really helpful, and I'm sure you probably have heard of this before.
0:25:01.8 Jack Broudy: I have some turmeric and a cable for me... I don't know. It seems like it's got a lot of sugar. I actually don't even like to chew it, it's got a lot of sugar, like other nutrients, the things they try to disguise with sugar, so it kind of bugs me, I don't eat it that much 'cause it really... I mean, it actually has granules, a sugar, all of them.
0:25:20.2 Sidney Shindle: Yeah, and ideally, you don't want to be eating more sugar, especially when you have inflammation, because sugar actually increases inflammation in the body, so you do want to try and find that in a very potent capsule-based form, so term work itself eating the root won't really help you in that acute form of inflammation, but if you take a very high dose, bio-available source of curcumin, and there are many brands that do that in Canada and beyond, you just have to look for a good quality one that has a very high amount of curcumin not term, it actually acts in the same or similar way to an Ibuprofen and it will help to a common formation, but without blocking that pathway completely and without shop in the process of healing, the healing parts that are kind of going on in that. So working with high dose curcumin, just in general for athletes is one of my favorite things to you is because you can actually pop those acutely, a larger dose and notice within a few hours that you feel less pain, and as far as daily... I was kind of preventative, you can use it at a lower dose to help just manage inflammation and
0:26:33.2 Jack Broudy: It would be a higher... What would be a higher and a lower dose... Just so I have an idea.
0:26:37.7 Sidney Shindle: This is where it gets a bit tricky because it will depend on which brand or what kind of company you're working with, but in general, you wanna find one that has either a Li-Po oral form of fluctuation of curcumin, which means that it's kind of surrounded by fat or lipids, and they don't get used as fat, they're just kind of a carrier molecule, or you can find... And the dosage, I actually will have to remember off the top of my head here, giving one... The second... Yeah, with this one, you wanna find it really, to be honest, depends so much on the brand because how they've extracted it will make a big difference, and I think one of the things that I'll mention is, I'm just looking at this number for myself here is... Don't fall victim to the one that has the black pepper activation in it, you should be able to find a very high quality curcumin that does not need black pepper to activate it, and that's kind of like a lower grade of percentages black pepper enhances its availability, but you can find better extracted versions that do not rely on that, so usually you start off with a lower dose of about 200 milligrams daily, but you can work upwards of that and it really will just depend on the type of brand that you're working with.
0:28:06.7 Jack Broudy: Is it like vitamin C where when you're feeling sick or something, you take like 3000 milligrams and on a regular daily basis, maybe 500, that type of thing.
0:28:16.6 Sidney Shindle: Yes, and so the dosing will be as high as is vitamin C, Because vitamin C You can take to what's called bowl tolerance, so basically, you'll know when you've taken enough vitamin C, your body will say, Well, we don't need anymore, but with curcumin, it's a little bit different, the dosage, you won't find your top amount per se, the only thing that can happen is when you take a lot of it, it can mildly thin your blood very, very, very loudly, so you just don't wanna take it around surgical procedures, just as a precaution, but just kind of as I'm looking through some of the brands that I usually recommend, even the two that I like to work with have very different dosing because their extraction methods are so different. So for example, one of the ones that I love to work with is a 60 to one curcumin extract that provides the equivalent of about 2500 milligrams of dried herb, but it's in a very concentrated dose, so when you look at the actual amount of the extract of curcumin, it's only 42 milligrams per capsule. And so with that one, I tend to dose out usually four to six capsules a day when someone's extremely inflamed or just for general inflammation, it's one to two, and then another brand that I like to work with is...
0:29:33.8 Sidney Shindle: They're extracting is different, so when we look at their dosing, it's 120 milligrams in the capsule, and I usually work in that one, usually one to two times a day because there is this very, very hot...
0:29:46.6 Jack Broudy: Those... You just suggest a couple of capsules... Yeah.
0:29:49.3 Sidney Shindle: And usually one to two a day for the average person is so
0:29:52.2 Jack Broudy: It sounds like if on a high dose would be around 40 or 500 milligrams...
0:29:56.5 Sidney Shindle: Yeah, yeah, that's usually a pretty high dose of curcumin when you get it at that good quality forum, and you will notice a big difference in inflammation that... And that's just one pathway, there's many pathways in the body that promote and manage inflammation, the other one is your omega-3s versus omega-6s, so I find this one really helpful with nutrition, just in general, to manage this mostly through the food that you each... Because we have, I think everyone's had to make threes at this point, but we have many omega 3s in many omega-6s and they should cut be in balance because your omega-3s are very good at calming inflammation and reducing inflammation, whereas your biggest six is some of them can help to reduce inflammation and they're real good for skin health, Others promote inflammation, and that's not necessarily a bad thing, 'cause we do need to have a little bit of that in our diet, but the thing is that in today's day and age, we tend to see very little Omega-3 in the diet because we find that in things like the active forms didn't fish, so we find it in a...
0:30:59.1 Jack Broudy: T is an Omega-3, is not a vitamin E or D or something. No.
0:31:04.1 Sidney Shindle: Smart. It's actually its own thing, so we have vitamin A and D and E and all these different things that come in their own form, but Omega-3s are actually a completely separate thing, they're a type of fatty acid, but they're still considered essential because we don't... Some of them we cannot make... We cannot make certain Omega threes unless we have the first one or the one that's found in things like Slack and chia, but we can also find other omega-3s that are very potent at reducing inflammation in things like fatty fish, so that's where we find it in the salmon, we find it in macro anchovies, etcetera, and that one in particular, it's huge in the supplement industry for just cheating people out of what they should be taking because they'll buy a 100 milligrams of fish oil thinking they're doing a good job, but you really wanted to find the high amount of EPA and EPA just and for ICO apennine acid, and it's a very potent form of Omega 3 that reduces inflammation, in fact, this fund has been studied to reduce pain acutely as well, and so this study was done more so for females and it was for me, Ornette taken acutely in a high dose of about...
0:32:19.0 Sidney Shindle: I think the study was either 750 milligrams or 1200 milligrams of EPA, they took that acutely and saw a reduction of period pain in a couple of hours, and so some principles comply for inflammation in athletes as well, that if we don't have enough omega 3 is we will see more inflammation and the diet that we see the general of North American diet is very pinelands, not a lot of omega-3 is kind of coming in. So you end up with just being more in a pro-inflammatory state because you have more of those molecules that are likely to become inflammatory molecules and less of the Omega trees that are also very helpful at reducing inflammation and quite literally act like an Ibuprofen and block your body's ability to turn those molecules into inflammatory things, so that's things like your canola oil, your sun for oil, you're swiping oil, all those things that are found in everything are very high in the biggest fixes that can... Just bringing that up. So you do wanna try and find that in your diet, but as your therapy is.
0:33:24.3 Jack Broudy: Where do you find Omega 3 and your diet, or do you have to just take the pillars is go to health food store and get some bills.
0:33:30.3 Sidney Shindle: You do find it in food so there is a couple of different types of Omega, this, and the one that we deem as essential meaning in nutrition must have or die, because we can't make it ourselves is ALA, and that one comes from flexing, you'll find it in smaller amounts in nuts and seeds as well, but the caveat to that is that for us to convert that ALA into its active EPA form that we use for reducing inflammation, if you have 100% of it in its ALA form, our body has to convert it through a whole bunch of different enzymatic reactions to get to EPA and 4% of that turns into EPA, so it is helpful to eat it in your diet, obviously boxing, but you can find it...
0:34:13.7 Jack Broudy: I think I missed it. What is it again? We were eating...
0:34:16.3 Sidney Shindle: Yeah, so do ALA is the one that is considered essential, meaning that we can't make this, we have to eat it in our diet and it's found in flax and chia. But what is that? Well, those are little scenes, so your flattens and your
0:34:31.3 Jack Broudy: Tastes... I've seen that, I've seen this, you're saying flags are really good for you.
0:34:37.7 Sidney Shindle: So they're good for you in other ways too, I find that that wouldn't be my way of recommending high amounts of omega 3 is just because you have to eat a lot of them, but they're also really useful as soluble fiber, so for Gotha for motility of your gut, all of that is really helpful. But what I was trying to build up too, is that for us to take those waxing, which a lot of people will start with and say, Okay, I'm getting my omits to convert that into the active form that I was talking about that works like nature's Advil is that... You only convert 4% of that to that EPA molecule I was talking about. So it's better to find it in fish like Sam and wild salmon and Coby Sarin if you can, and even things like cod liver, Calicut, once again, that's not gonna be a therapeutic dose, so that would be just more so for general... General maintenance to make sure that you are balancing out your omega-3s and 60s, but for a therapeutic dose, you would want to turn to a high quality molecularly distilled fish oil, and so this is basically bypassing the drug store brands and going to a clinical line asking someone to show you the quality versions of that, because otherwise you'll just be getting a very low quality product that won't be doing what you want it to do.
0:35:56.5 Jack Broudy: Right. Well, I've always heard colitis, very good for you. For a while I was taking on liver oil, I was a hippie from 20 to 40, and I was... Yeah, I was doing the flax seeds are tiny little things, you know, really I, I... Yeah, and I was doing that, I was doing a table spoon of caliber wall every morning, and I was big on smoothies, you know, I had my arm and butter and I threw everything in the smoothie, I'm guessing you're a big smoothie fan. You probably start with those. Every day, right.
0:36:25.6 Sidney Shindle: I think it depends on the person. In the time of year, I find in the winter, smoothies are definitely not my job 'cause it's just too cold and... I know coffees. Nicer. Yeah, and smoothies are definitely a useful thing to add in, especially when people are first starting out with their journey of trying to figure out how to add more protein into their diet, I think that's a useful way of getting that in and also getting in a variety of fruits and veggies that you can hide in there, then you can hide cauliflower and Zuni and spinach and all of that in a great smoothie, but I think they're more for me, at least more of a summer or spring time thing because in the wait just too cold.
0:37:02.4 Jack Broudy: Yeah, me too. Hey, you know now, I'm not gonna get to even half of my questions today... Well, I have to do a part two sometimes. Okay, that's good. But you know, let me ask a couple of ones now we're venturing off into coffee. My holistic doctor who I have, she has me take a note, said it earlier, not glucose in me, what was a quite... Yeah, go Ito, in the mornings. Because she says, Well, if you're gonna have a few cocktails in the evening, you should take Glutathione in the morning, so it... I basically take one everyday because I put... I always have a beer, glass of wine in the evening, you know, with our dinner and whatnot. So where do you stand on it? Let me ask you a couple other things from just a dude, I forget the tennis for a second, just a regular guy who like come home and have a beer or a glass of wine or a shot of bourbon and carry on. Number one, how bad of the alcohols for you, number two, talk about carbs, how bad 'cause I like crackers and cheese, and I've been trying lately, my wife doesn't go forward, I'll try to substitute like Almonds and walnuts, and it just doesn't go with wine, nearly as good as bread and crackers and cheese, so where do you stand on the great carb debate and the...
0:38:28.9 Jack Broudy: She's getting the cheese to...
0:38:31.1 Sidney Shindle: There's so many questions there. Are you sure you wanna know my answers?
0:38:34.6 Jack Broudy: Yeah, I note you can homogenized it down by the way. You'd be proud of me. I'm drinking my pomegranate juice, mixed with water and lemon in your own... A
0:38:45.8 Sidney Shindle: Super refreshing. Thank you. There's lots of questions to unravel there, but the first one with alcohol, or I know that if you're in Canada, there's been some updated regulations or kind of suggestions in Canada based on the last 10 years of research, just pointing that alcohol is not great for us, we kind of already knew that and pretty sure, but the detrimental effects of alcohol do happen a little bit sooner than people thought, because the older recommendations were to have one to two glasses a day was fine, it was kind of healthy at that threshold, but we're now learning that that's not the case. And I think they held off on this research of publishing it for a while 'cause they were really... Wittgenstein.
0:39:33.7 Jack Broudy: It's been a great show. Nice talking with you too. Right there, I ran it on My Parade...
0:39:42.9 Sidney Shindle: I know, but if you think about it, from the point of view that the feeling that you feel when you have a glass of beer or you have a cocktail of that feeling of light-headed-ness and kind of good feeling is technically... It's intoxication, that's the little literal term, so your liver is working hard to try and process that, and other parts of your body are also trying to process that, so in a nutshell, alcohol definitely put stress on the body because it is technically a toxin of sorts, your body has to deal with that. So the idea of taking the glutathione is to culture some of the damage or the inflammation, that's what you head, so ideally, not doing that every day would be something that would be ideal, but everyone has their low-hanging fruit of what they wanna change and what they want to work with... So when you are drinking, the best thing is, yes, hydration, lots of antioxidants, but once again, that's not going to even it out per se, it's just gonna help a little bit in that, so that would be kind of my answer in a nutshell, so you don't click stop on this recording at the Matheson
0:40:56.8 Jack Broudy: Like a real hoot to be with on a Friday night, or is that a day night...
0:41:00.2 Sidney Shindle: I love me a good talk, I love a glass of wine at. But it's definitely not something I do on a daily basis, just knowing everything that I know, it's something that I do treat more as a treat now and something to enjoy and kind of safer, and in particular with the beer and hard alcohol in particular, we once again, we still know that there's no great amount, it's a little bit different, but we'll chat about that another day... Yeah.
0:41:30.0 Jack Broudy: And you put wine and you put beer and cocktails is a hard alcohol in the same breath... I would have thought you put beer in line in the same breath...
0:41:38.1 Sidney Shindle: Beer for a different reason, the hard alcohol, yes, it's definitely going to be a little bit more aggressive just because it is so concentrated in comparison to be in line, but beer comes from week for the most part, and so you're getting this... Having a product that comes from a very highly processed, highly sprayed source, so most wheat in particular, if you live in North America, is super sprayed with chemicals, so unless you're getting an organic beer, you're getting that in there. The other part too, is that to have large amounts of beer can also the car pieces one piece, but the kind of added estrogens that come along for the ride there are not ideal for training as well, so there's a lot to unpack with the beer and then on the other third flip side of what I'm thinking here is the ease of beer and wine are also... In my field, I work a lot in gut health and a lot in microbial balance and excess of use in particular in deer, but also to a lesser, Centinela work against people in some ways too, so a lot to unpack there. But we can chat about that.
0:42:50.7 Sidney Shindle: They're talking to.
0:42:51.8 Jack Broudy: So, do I need to change from chips and crackers and cheese, French bread and she's... So I really need to change to pumpkin seeds and seeds and almonds, and I just know it just doesn't seem like it's worth living, but it would it really help a lot in how bad are the carbs, how bad... The cheese and all that stuff, I've always wondered 'cause on something like the French... Okay, yeah, the French have the most Centennials. Most people who live to 100, I'm sure you know that, in the world, they live the longest and they're drinking since there are four, three... I think the moms give their baby's eye dropper full of wine to shut him up, so I mean.
0:43:36.1 Sidney Shindle: What's the deal? Oh my gosh, the whole center an debate. I've been to one of the Blue Zones, by the way, I've been to agree. And I've met people who are in their 80s and 90s and still walking every day, and
0:43:51.3 Jack Broudy: I spend a ton of time over in the South of France year years.
0:43:55.7 Sidney Shindle: Yeah, yeah. And you have to remember that they do drink alcohol, but they're kind of healthy in spite of that, and if you've ever had their alcohol, it's very different than what we have here in the sense where there's very little spray going on, there's not a lot of added sulfides, and it's a little bit more of a natural product, but they're kind of healthy in spite of it, because there's so much going for them in the sense of the food supply, if you've tasted the food there, it tastes a little bit different, it's very fresh. There's not a lot of packages to tell.
0:44:26.1 Jack Broudy: There's no GMAT, then they do a
0:44:28.6 Sidney Shindle: Good... It's the mindset. So if you sit down to a dinner, you're sitting there for four hours, you're not opening your phone, you're not sitting on a laptop, you're very present, and you have the sense of community that also really supports long-term health, and so when you meet people who are in their 80s and 90s there. I mean, they're not isolated. They're connected. They're still very much part of the community, and we don't have that here. So I think that's one of the other things that we forget about with that paradox is if you've ever spent time in the south of Europe at all, it can be frustrating for a North American who's wondering why everything closes is at 3 PM or why they say well like, well, you can come today or tomorrow, or...
0:45:11.4 Jack Broudy: Dinner starts at 90. I'm like, Oh, what? I was asleep by 90. What are you out of your mind? I mean, it seems like eating that late would be terrible for you... I know.
0:45:19.8 Sidney Shindle: And that's a weird paradox too, because in North America, we talk a lot about sleep, and I'm a huge fan of getting enough sleep, it changes everything, but they also sleep a lot in the afternoon, so they kind of get the shift in their rhythms, but the sleep piece is still very important to them day-to-sleep at slightly different hours, but they're a lot to unpack about that lifestyle that one day I'd like to go and live that lifestyle a little bit longer just because... It's very relaxing.
0:45:48.6 Jack Broudy: Yeah, no, I've spent months at a time, I'd say it's about exactly 25 years, I spend one to two months there every year for 20 years, so... Yeah, it's a pretty cool situation, but... Yeah, lunch is a 2230. They sleep later than we do, they sleep later than we do, I'm a early, better early to rise guy, and I always thought that was the healthiest, but... Not over there, no over there, you finish dinner around 9, 45, 10 o'clock, and then you always have a little chocolate, dark chocolate, and sometimes an appetite, they call it a digestive, but it's just more busy. I know. And then they talk you... I love my friend, my friends over there, but you know, they talk your ear off till about midnight, and then I go to my little bed and breakfast and... Yeah, they get up at 90 and I'm on the court at 9 o'clock the next day, so it's kind of unfair. They can get a real slow start, I work with their kids, so they gotta slow start, their kids are up early so that I... I sort of get the brunt of it all... Yeah.
0:46:59.2 Sidney Shindle: Man, I can talk about that lifestyle forever.
0:47:02.3 Jack Broudy: Yeah, let's ask, I'm gonna let you go soon, but I do have so many cars, right. Titi, don't even have one written down here, but as songs were on it, let's talk about dark chocolate and red wine, I mean... Isn't that good for me? I eat it like it's nutrition.
0:47:18.7 Sidney Shindle: Oh my gosh, I just sound like the terranes, I love our chocolate. It's my favorite food in the entire world, and I make a joke with the partner where he knows he knows that if I had to choose between him and dark talk... I would pause for a second, you can start to talk about... Is my favorite food. There unfortunately has been some new research that shows that a lot of dark chocolate has high and led, which kind of sucks because it just was... I know, because dark chocolate or chocolate is so rich in minerals, it's such a mineral-rich plan that is really effective at pulling minerals from the soil, so when you get dark chocolate, you're getting a lot of copper, you're getting magnesium, you're getting a little bit of iron in there, you're getting all of these really nutritious things, but unfortunately, depending on where that plant is growing, apparently, it's really good at soaking up led in cadmium 'cause it's similar in shape to some of those minerals, so some of the dark chocolate has been tested high for that lately, which is breaking my heart, so in moderation, but dark chocolate can be a nice treat now and again, and if you're getting a really good quality, like being to bar is the word, to look for a small plantation where people are being supported and then that chocolate is being ground in a very particular way, and then they're only adding a little bit of cancer to it, they're not adding these involve Sufis and stuff that really just throws all the benefits of the window you are getting certain polyphenols and antioxidants in dark chocolate.
0:48:47.9 Sidney Shindle: Real, but once again, if you're eating a chocolate bar, are they... It's still not gonna be that great for you because you're just getting it
0:48:56.1 Jack Broudy: Aligned... Dark has talking 72%. That's what I'm talking... Santa's.
0:49:03.3 Sidney Shindle: Okay, yeah. Definitely in a few pieces, I have no qualms about that. But I highly recommend if you've never tried to be to borstal of chocolate, that type of making is very different than just going out and buying your grocery store data again, with a keen to bar, being to Boeing to bar, and so they're small makers around the world that do amazing things with cacao, and they're really good at picking good quality cacao, certain regions and then making it with very few ingredients instead of what you find in the grocery stores and in the drug stores. So that would be something... You get different flavors, it kinda tastes like You can... Wine or scotch, when you have different profiles, depending on how it's been made, it's like that when you get a good quality piece of dark chocolate, so highly recommend... But when it comes to wine, I do have to debunk the hole, which varietal thing of... It's hard, healthy because restaurant, that potent antioxidant that everyone talks about for heart health, to get the therapeutic dose from a glass of wine, you'd have to drink many, many, many, many, many bottles, you do that, and then the alcohol would negate that effect...
0:50:16.8 Sidney Shindle: Right, so it's not as heart healthy as we once thought for that reason, I think coming back to the French paradox and to the paradox of those blue zones where people are living really long... I think it's a lot to do with the social aspect, but if you are or choosing a drink organic, no selfie added is definitely the better way to go, just because you aren't getting the chemicals along, excited, and you're just getting a quality product. Yeah.
0:50:45.4 Jack Broudy: You know, I'm a big believer that stress will kill you, so I think... Yeah, I really think that the wine and the cheese and the chit chat and everything else, and having a nice social life and having lots of friends, I always think, Well, that's a good way, if nothing else, to live a nice life, but also maybe even to live a healthier in a longer life, because stress... I always saw what kitty as bad as bad nutrition or anything else really, and that's where the red line comes in because... Do you de-stress? You have a little chit chat with your wife or your boyfriend or your friends, and it's sort of part of the whole thing, but
0:51:19.7 Sidney Shindle: Yeah, it definitely could be part of that social aspect. It's benefits for sleep. We can chat about that another day too, it's
0:51:26.9 Jack Broudy: Not a... It's funny, I had sleep down, but we're not gonna be able to cover as
0:51:30.7 Sidney Shindle: We could do a whole hour on sleep, honestly... Sleep is one of my favorite things to talk about at the moment. I found that just through for the last few years, people, sleep has really can offer
0:51:41.3 Jack Broudy: 'cause of the phone, you know, I literally have to turn that phone off if I don't... I'm like, Gee, I wonder what's happening.
0:51:48.9 Sidney Shindle: Yeah, I've put in a rule in the last few years from myself that usually around half an hour, 45 minutes before bed, that goes off, I'm learning a language on my phone at the moment, so I will try and do that earlier so I can shut it off, but I'll turn that off at night, if you need to contact me, you can find other ways and then you... After midnight, promise, no, it's 90 PM, that turns off, at least sometimes even eight, but the Gobi... Not turn that on until I've made my morning cup of coffee, I had my water dead, my morning routine, and then after all that said and done, then I can turn...
0:52:23.4 Jack Broudy: I'm gonna start doing that 'cause that's a teeny... I usually get up and the very first thing I do in bed and just look at my phone, start to a chat around.
0:52:34.4 Sidney Shindle: And just to briefly touch on sleep for that, what you do first thing in the morning actually affects how you sleep that night because your circadian rhythms are set throughout the day, it's not just what you do right before bed, it's actually what you do first thing in the morning, so that morning lag that you see can actually help to set your circadian rhythms at night, so if you're seeing that kind of blue light on your phone in the morning, and that blue light does delete or change how much melatonin you secret, so not doing that in bed is one thing, and getting some light outside of pointing to my window, getting outside and just staring outside for a few minutes even five, 10 minutes can be helpful, but also the stress factor coming back to stress, you opening up your phone, sitting the disasters of the world, first thing in the morning, right. It spikes your cortisol, stresses you out more than you need to be first thing in the morning, instead of having that nice gentle kind of rise in your normal working cortisol to wake you up and stimulate you and get you going.
0:53:37.5 Sidney Shindle: You got these like, I've got seven emails to respond to, my news alarm is telling me that the world's on fire and now I've gotta go start my day, but I'm stressed, so that changes everything.
0:53:49.2 Jack Broudy: That's funny you say that 'cause... Yeah, I'm always so proud of it, right. I still, my wife, man, I got more done loner in bed at the first 45 minutes of the day that half of my friends doing a week, and I'm so proud of it, but you're saying that's not such a great thing and I should... So I will, I'm gonna try, I'll make a conscious effort to sort of change that around, so that is a big deal for me, getting up in the morning, I get a lot done lying in bed, I might... I usually take my phone 100% to about 30, and then I get to a... Yeah, and then I get up and get to my cough, have my coffee and all that after... So you're saying if I switch that, I could see a big difference.
0:54:27.2 Sidney Shindle: Yeah, I would challenge you to try that, just because that morning routine that you have does set you up with the rest of your day, and it sounds like you're super... You're super productive in that morning time.
0:54:38.4 Jack Broudy: I'm pretty productive, I try to be all day, but yeah, I grind, as we say in tennis, I grow.
0:54:43.6 Sidney Shindle: But you could also think about it from the mindset perspective in particular in athletics of being very present and focused, and I find that that phone first thing in the morning takes away from that and then you end up is checking your phone for the rest of the day and having this response constantly checking, whereas if you were to have that kind of grounding routine and... Oh my God, if you wanna talk about the mindset and athletics and how important that is, that morning piece can be part of that... Zeno can call it whatever you wanna call it. Something super hippy, you can... Or just focus in the morning of being present and just being aware that you're waking up and you're alive and you're making your coffee and you're doing that, and then you sit down and with presents to the next activity I find really sets your day up in a different way than when you're just scrolling through your phone in the morning, so
0:55:32.2 Jack Broudy: I... Yeah, I wish I was... Back in my happy days sometimes, you know, for 20 years, from 20 to 40, maybe 20 to 45, almost a no meat drank, nothing at all. Did yoga literally seven days a week. Every morning I do yoga and then I meditate DTM, then I'd have my smoothie. But man, I'm just too busy now, I can't just... Just a teams in the South of France will not approve of you being just saying, you're too busy with that. That's true, that's true. Well, aim gonna be hitting the islands here soon enough, so I'm sure I'll bring it down a little bit, but like I said, I've got so many un... Like I said, I really wanna talk about sleep and next time, please give me the next time because this is really fun. I will ask one question on behalf, since we did talk hydration on behalf of my good friends, my South African friends, John, Colton and Johan out there, they have this drink called Red Joe, which I just ordered their recommendation, it's powder is from a root... I guess over in South Africa, and it's supposed to be the best thing for hydration.
0:56:39.5 Jack Broudy: Have you ever of red Joe
0:56:41.1 Sidney Shindle: Reconnoiter? Gonna be some homework, and my rule is just because I teach for part of my job, when people ask me things and I don't know the answer, I have to go and do my homework, so please send me more about that because I've never heard of this before.
0:56:57.8 Jack Broudy: Yeah, ride, let's see, it's... Here are amazing honestly Plate ultimate hydration supplement, and it's from the robot, the robot plane. By this year, I-B-O-S-T-E. Yes. So you've heard of that.
0:57:17.5 Sidney Shindle: Or us? Yes, it's a plant that's commonly used is to find bugs to everywhere, but there's quite a few poly-females and anti-oxidants in robes, I've never looked at the nutritional components as far as the mineral part goes, but... Yeah.
0:57:34.4 Jack Broudy: I belongings. See how it works for me. Let me know, but these guys swear by this stuff... That's cool. Anyway, Sydney, it has been such a pleasure. Really, I learned so much, I feel like I should send you Venmo you later and all my clients should Venmo you because you've done a great job, but you're gonna be a partner, you're partner of ours now, and they can reach you through our site, Britannic dot com, they can find you. Please feel free to give a shameless plug now, anything you... You wanna plug?
0:58:07.6 Sidney Shindle: For sure. Yeah, thank you so much for having me. I had a blast chatting about this stuff, I mean, if you can't tell, I love teaching and I love to share information because I think everyone should have access to this, everyone should know more about how they can perform better and how they can feel better, they end in day out. So a big part of what I do is working with people one-on-one to do this type of work and to share a step-by-step plan to make change in a way that makes sense and that's easy to apply for people. And I also do quite a bit of teaching, so I do this in larger groups as well, but my goal and my shameless plug is I just wanna teach, so if you wanna learn more, I'd love to share because I truly believe everyone feels better when they know a little bit more about themselves.
0:58:55.1 Jack Broudy: Yeah, that's great. Your phone number, your email, all that stuff, the site, on the partner's page, and we'll do this again, it hopefully soon, and we'll both be in good health all winter long, I hope, and we'll be seeing you on the real spin in few weeks.
0:59:11.2 Sidney Shindle: Yes, yeah. And looking forward to that.
0:59:13.3 Jack Broudy: That's gonna be a lot of fun. Well, thanks so much, Sydney. I really, really appreciate your time
0:59:18.6 Sidney Shindle: On a totaling.